Problems with Demo Content

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  • #31259


      Hello, I bought the prospero template in the past few days and I started the installation today, when trying to import the Demo I have a persistent message

      Importing …
      {“code”:”internal_server_error”,”message”:”El sitio estu00e1 experimentando dificultades tu00e9cnicas. Por favor, revisa el buzu00f3n de correo electru00f3nico del administrador de tu sitio para ver las instrucciones.”,”data”:{“status”:500},”additional_errors”:[]}
      Stop Working

      Hello, I bought the prospero template in the past few days and I started the installation today, when trying to import the Demo I have a persistent message

      I made modifications to the php.ini and wp-config.php, I left it for a couple of hours to see if it was a very slow process, but it doesn’t upload any files, Also try to import without media

      I appreciate the help you can give me to continue with the installation

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